Sunday, September 21, 2008

Here goes... nothing!

Alright, well, here it is, my first blog post. With back to school night coming up on Thursday, I am thinking in terms of survey questions I can attack the parents with. My biggest challenge working in a low income school is getting things returned. I think if I have the parents held hostege at B2S night, I have a pretty good chance of getting them to fill out the survey while they zone out. I've also got a challenge in that I'm working with L1s and L2s for my project AND my classroom is first grade. Of course, I did say in the "primary" classroom, so perhaps I can pull more data if I have other classes fill out the survey. Hmmmmm.

I'm still pretty unproductive when it comes to my Action Research project. I've got to find my motivation! Perhaps after I pull some data from Back to School night I'll get that fire lit. We also just got our API and AYP data, as well as CELDT scores. So I guess I am collecting! I just have no idea where I'm going with it.

So possible ideas I have for survey questions so far are:
* What is your child's favorite subject?
* What is your child's least favorite subject?
* What does your child like to do for fun outside of school?
Do some likhert type stuff with their feelings about all sorts of school subjects.

Ish- help me out here!

Any suggestions would be welcome. Also, let me know the schedule you're working on. I'm feeling a bit lost in the woods here!

On a personal note- just weighed myself... turns out I didn't gain as much weight this summer as I thought! Keep the ice cream coming people!


Ismael said...

I know what you mean. I think I finally found the igniting light I was looking for in completing this project. All along I felt that my project was kind of lame, but after conferencing with Dr. A., we were able to energize the whole thing by including a bilingual education unit that could be developed for this about researching and trying out a hypothesis! I've had a heck of a time finding academic research about the topic though; there just isn't enough out there. I guess we're treading new ground here...Awesome.

As far as a time-line is concerned, the only one we've set is that a rough draft of the Literature Review is due by next week. Yikes!

For your Likert-items maybe asking parents about the following would be appropriate:
Do your children have a sibling who speaks L2 at home.

Do you feel confident to help your child on h.w. assignments?

How often do your children speak L2 at home?

How often do your children speak L1 at home?

Katie Coverstone said...

You rock. After reading another blog, I've decided to issue the TIMI test to my students to figure out how they learn best, and ask parents and back to school night to tell me how they perceive their child learns. Get some of that multiple intelligences stuff in there. =)